Pre-Literate Philosophy

Photo is from when G. was the age L. is now

I could not help my laughter when I heard G. yell,
“Ready, Think, Go!” before charging around the house with her doll stroller full of her most favorite animals.

But seriously, it is good advice. I know my biggest problems occur when I forget to think before I go or before I speak.

My Three Loves

Last night right before our bedtime prayers for the girls, G. gave me a big hug and we had this conversation:

G: “I have two loves, Mommy.”
Me: “Who are your two loves?”
G: “Them.” *points to my husband and L.
Me: “Daddy and L?”
G: “Yes.”
Me: “Well, I have three loves, you, Daddy, and L. But Daddy is my best love.”
G: “You are MY best love!”

Then my husband interjected: “Well your smallest love needs your attention.” L. had been fussing for me the whole time.

I told him, “Sorry, G. and I were having a moment.”